Friday, November 26, 2010

Death of the Dufferin Street Jog

Parkdale calling. Jerky speaking. With the recent completion of a years-in-the-making urban revitalization project in the heart of one of Toronto's scuzziest neighborhoods, the century-old transit aberration known as the Dufferin Street Jog - a twisty detour around a homely patch of industrial real estate that used to break up Dufferin street just north of Queen - is officially a thing of the past. Thanks to the creation of an impressive new tunnel structure in this former transit dead-zone, Dufferin street now stretches uninterrupted from the grounds of the Canadian National Exhibition all the way north to Wilson, just north of the 401! Personally, I have noticed that this civic infrastructure improvement has shaved a full three minutes off my twice-daily commute, not to mention the much smoother ride now that bus doesn't have to swing over to Gladstone , then whip across Queen under the frequently streetcar-clogged underpass and back up Dufferin again (phew!). So now there's one less reason to call the TTC's busy Dufferin 29 route "the Sufferin' bus". Kudos, Toronto, on a job well done!

Toronto Star Story on the Dufferin Renovations

1 comment:

  1. Now if they could just take care of the Dead End of Dufferin at the downsview airport...
